Elizabeth Johnson, a single mother facing a life-altering divorce, embarks on a journey of self-discovery in Latin America and India to establish sustainability, rediscover her ancestral roots, and bridge the culinary gap to make the world a...
Elizabeth Johnson, a single mother facing a life-altering divorce, embarks on a journey of self-discovery in Latin America and India to establish sustainability, rediscover her ancestral roots, and bridge the culinary gap to make the world a better place.
In this episode of big city small town with Bob Rivard, you will be able to:
Elizabeth Johnson, a renowned chef and founder of Pharm Table restaurant, brings a unique perspective to sustainability in the restaurant industry. Born in Honduras and educated at the prestigious Cordon Bleu in Mexico City, Elizabeth has a diverse background that has shaped her culinary approach. She is also a former director of Latin American cuisine instruction at the Culinary Institute of America in San Antonio. Elizabeth's personal journey with Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health, has deeply influenced her commitment to sustainable and health-focused cuisine. She now shares her knowledge and passion for using food as a tool for healing and promoting a balanced lifestyle at her restaurant, Farm Table.
The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:19 - Pharm Table Restaurant
00:04:08 - The CIA’s Impact on San Antonio Culinary Scene
00:09:10 - Elizabeth’s Ayurvedic Philosophy
00:15:34 - San Antonio: Two Cities in One
00:17:05 - San Antonio's Gastronomy and Sustainability Efforts
00:21:47 - San Antonio's Unique Food Culture and History
00:27:08 - Decolonizing Diets and Ayurvedic Principles
00:32:46 - Sustainability in the Restaurant Industry
00:33:48 - Shakeup in the Restaurant Industry During the Pandemic
00:34:40 - Challenges facing the restaurant industry
00:37:49 - The tipping culture
00:41:33 - Food is medicine
00:43:30 - Sourcing ingredients
00:47:30 - City elections and representative democracy
For more about Pharm Table, visit https://pharmtable.com
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