Do you want to successfully transform your museum into a modern and engaging space? Discover the solution to achieving this desired outcome as our guest, Marise McDermott, shares her insights on how to create a dynamic and innovative cultural...
Do you want to successfully transform your museum into a modern and engaging space? Discover the solution to achieving this desired outcome as our guest, Marise McDermott, shares her insights on how to create a dynamic and innovative cultural institution that captivates audiences.
In this episode, you will be able to:
Explore the Witte Museum's modern makeover and why it's resonating with current generations.
Find out how digital technologies have redefined interactive exhibits at the Witte Museum.
Realize the crucial role of online educational programming during challenging times.
Value the strong influences of indigenous heritage on the Mexican American community.
Trace McDermott's journalistic journey through challenges and exceptional achievements.
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